Consent Management: The What and Why

Let’s dive into this tasty tech soup called Consent Management. Why should you care? Simple. If you run a business and collect customer data, you’d better have your ducks in a row or prepare for fines—big, big fines. It’s not just good for you; it’s also what the law demands.

So what exactly is this all about? Consent management is the VIP bouncer at the club of your customer data. It’s your digital handshake with customers, saying, “Hey, do you mind if I remember your name and favorite drink?”. It’s what helps you keep your activities on the up-and-up, with users saying “I allow” or “I do not allow” to you collecting their data.

A machine processing vast amounts of data, generated by Bing Creator.

But let’s get to the point. This isn’t just some “nice-to-have” feature; it’s a legal requirement. We’re talking GDPR, CCPA, and all those other fun acronyms. So, if you’re collecting data from customers—through cookies, forms, or even psychic intuition—you better have a system in place for managing their consent.

Consent management is all about building trust. Customers are like, “Okay, if you’re upfront about what you’re doing with my data, maybe you’re not so sketchy after all.” So, a good consent management process is kind of like your business’s virtual trust handshake—so let’s see how we can make it a firm one.

What Is a Consent Management Platform?

Now I know what you’re thinking: “alright, I get it. Consent management is important. But how do I implement it?” That’s where Consent Management Platforms (CMPs) come in. Think of it as the multi-bit screwdriver for your data management woes. It’s the one-stop-shop that lets you collect, organize, and monitor customer data in compliance with legal guidelines.

These platforms are not just glorified checkboxes on your website. They give you real-time insights, allow users to change their preferences on the fly, and can even help you monitor and react to data requests. Sounds dreamy, right? They’re designed to remove the headache of manual compliance, automating the process to save you time, money, and potentially legal headaches. So, in essence, a CMP does the heavy lifting while you focus on, you know, running your actual business.

And here’s a pro tip: a CMP should also make life easier for your customers, too. Nobody likes those confusing, long-winded disclaimers that require a law degree to understand. Make it simple for people to say yes or no, and they’ll be more likely to trust your brand.

What’s the Difference Between Consent and Preference Management?

Now, this is where a lot of people come unstuck. We’ve got consent management, and then we’ve got preference management, and while they’re kissing cousins, they ain’t twins. Let me break it down for you.

Consent Management is the serious one, alright? This is the person in the room who talks about the law and makes sure you’re not stepping on any legal landmines—the kind of person who has to have the water in their tea at a specific temperature so as not to burn the leaves. It’s about getting explicit permission to collect and process personal data. Opting in or out—that’s the name of the game here.

Epic cookie battle, generated by Bing Creator.

On the flip side, Preference Management is your cool, laid-back friend who is happy to slap a teabag in a cup and splosh any old water on top. It’s all about letting the customer tweak how often they hear from you, what topics interest them, and via what channels. Think of it as the DJ letting you pick the next three songs. It’s not about the ‘can I,’ it’s about the ‘how.’

Here’s the deal: Both are essential. Consent Management is the legal table stakes, but Preference Management is what elevates the user experience. In a nutshell, you need to know when to get consent and when to offer choices. Get it wrong, and you’re either spamming people or potentially breaking the law.

When Should You Use Consent Management?

Alright, let’s lay down some ground rules. When do you actually need to pull the consent card? The gold standard (at the time of writing) for government-led privacy regulation is the GDPR, which lays it out the idea of consent pretty clearly. Consent is one of six legal bases for processing data, along with some other scenarios like ‘Performance of Contract’ or ‘Legitimate Interest.’

So let’s say you’re running an e-commerce site and someone buys a guineapig beanie. You don’t need their consent to send it to their address; that’s a ‘Performance of Contract.’ But for pretty much everything else—like sending that customer a “Hey, you might like this tiny guineapig hoodie!” email—you’re going to need their explicit thumbs-up.

Long story short, unless you’re a government agency or you’re saving lives, consent is your safest bet. Without it, you’re sailing into murky legal waters, and trust me, nobody wants to be there. Make it easy for yourself: When in doubt, get consent.

Final Thoughts

Okay, let’s button this up. If you’re into the digital space, you can’t afford to ignore consent management. Seriously, it’s like skipping the seatbelt in a race car; you might think it looks cool until you crash, and there is no undo button for that.

First up, remember the law is not your enemy here. GDPR, CCPA, or whatever alphabet soup applies to you, these are just frameworks designed to make the digital world more transparent. The fines? Think of them as the universe’s way of nudging you to do better. We all know its the right thing to do, but some of us need a little extra motivation.

Now, onto Consent Management Platforms (CMPs). It’s not just a box that users tick and forget; it’s a whole system that lets you interact with your users respectfully. It’s the digital equivalent of asking someone if they want their steak medium or well-done; it shows you care. If you’re winging it, you’re doing it wrong. So invest in a good CMP. Your legal team and your users will thank you.

A guineapig learns different types of tea, generated by DALL·E 2

Also, let’s not forget about the subtle difference between consent and preference management. While both might seem the same, they aren’t. Consent is the permission slip you got in school; it’s the bare minimum you need to have. Preference management is the field trip itself, where you can choose to go to the museum or the botanical garden. One’s mandatory; the other’s a choice. Know the difference; it will matter when you’re scaling up or tailoring user experiences.

Finally, be proactive. Don’t wait for legislation to kick in or for a scandal to break out. Make consent management a built-in part of your business model, not just a plugin you hastily add. If it feels like the right thing to do for your users, chances are it probably is, but be sure to get a legal boffin to check.

Over to you: let’s make the internet a better place, one consent flow at a time!

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Picture of neobadger


I'm a Technology Consultant who partners with visionary people who want to solve human problems using data and technology (and having fun doing it)!


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🎉 Nice work, that was a long article!